Monthly Archives: July 2017


Click Tag Print @ Easts Winter Wedding Fair

This past weekend we took our Live Instagram Printer out to the East Maitland Bowling Club for their Winter Wedding Fair. We set up one of our beautiful luxe backdrops and props and let the prospective brides become the photographers while we checked out the venue and some of the other vendors on show. If you’re planning a wedding a wedding fair is a great place to start – you get to meet a whole range of vendors all under one roof and get a feel for how they think and work. And there’s almost always cake!

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By |July 19th, 2017|Latest News|0 Comments

Jade McIntosh Flowers turns 10

We recently took our Live Instagram Printer along to a very special tenth birthday celebration for Jade McIntosh Flowers. As fellow members of The Wedding Collective, we’ve worked with Jade and her team a lot over the past couple of years and it was wonderful to celebrate this milestone with her.  Screenshot 2017-07-05 16.06.14Screenshot 2017-07-05 16.06.57 Screenshot 2017-07-05 16.05.57Screenshot 2017-07-05 16.10.18Screenshot 2017-07-05 16.09.34

By |July 5th, 2017|Latest News|0 Comments