Free delivery to areas within a 45 minute drive of Newcastle CBD. Areas outside this may incur a travelling surcharge.
Click Tag Print will provide a trained Booth Attendant to assist your guests.
Click Tag Print will only be liable for the hire costs if equipment malfunctions. Any damage caused to booth equipment by a guest may be charged to the hirer.


Prices are subject to change.
Click Tag Print require a $250 deposit to secure your booking. This can be made by direct deposit.
Until a deposit is received, the date cannot be confirmed.
Additional time required will be charged at an agreed hourly amount of $150 per hour.
Final full payment must be paid by the hirer to Click Tag Print 21 days prior to event.
All prop box items must be returned in good condition after event, or a charge of up to $100 may apply to hirer. Buy paying a deposit, the hirer is also agreeing to Click Tag Print’s Terms & Conditions.


If the hirer cancels within a 7 day period of paying deposit, the deposit will be returned in full.
After this a $100 cancellation fee will apply.
If the hirer cancels the booking of the Goods and any Additional Services but desires to make an alternate booking, Click Tag Print will credit the deposit to the new booking.
The owner may cancel the booking at any time by giving the Hirer not less than 30 days written notice without being responsible for loss, provided that Click Tag Print must, in such cases, refund in reasonable time any Deposit or Hiring Fee already paid by the Hirer.


Click Tag Print will not be held responsible for any unforeseen delays at the venue.
If Hirer is having both wedding ceremony & reception at the same venue, Hirer to advise Click Tag Print of this at time of booking.


All prices specified in the Booking Order Form are exclusive of GST, unless otherwise stated.




Click Tag Print may contact you periodically with special offers and updates on new products.
Click Tag Print retains the right to use any images for advertising or promotional purposes. Images used for advertising will not display content that may be personally damaging to subject(s).


In the unlikely event that CTP’s experience partial or complete equipment failure during your function the following refunds apply: Complete Failure – Refund of maximum 80%, pro-rata calculated on the duration of hire vs. how long the service was provided before equipment failure.
Images Saved Failure – In the event of the images not being saved, a maximum of 10% refund is applicable.
Other Failures – will be on a case by case basis and Click Tag Print will do its best to make sure our clients are happy.


Event times to be advised at least 7 days prior to event date.
If your event is scheduled to take place within normal meal times, a crew meal to be provided to Assistant.
Any Click Tag Print operator reserves the right to stop using booth at any time during the event if they feel their personal safety is at risk, and if they feel the booth is being misused in any way that may be potentially damaging to the equipment or pose a threat/ danger to any persons.
Click Tag Print will not be liable for failing to perform under the Agreement by actions out of our reasonable control. i.e.. power outage, internet outage, fire, flood, threatened or actual act of terrorism, or natural disaster.
Any variations to these Terms & Conditions must be agreed to in writing by Click Tag Print.